Intellectual property

Patents owned by Fluicell AB

We continuously strive to protect our unique methods and technologies through patents and patent applications. Fluicell currently has 19 different patents, grouped into five patent families. The patents cover our core microfluidic technology, our technology for bioprinting and our methods for constructing tissues and three-dimensional biological structures.

All patent applications are handled by Noréns patentbyrå, Stockholm, Sweden.

Patent family 1

Pipettes, methods of use and methods of stimulating an object of interest.

This patent family protects Fluicell's basic technology and the principle behind the BioPen pipette and its use.

  • Patent 9671366 granted in the USA
  • Patent 9126197 granted in the USA
  • Patent EP 3 023 151 granted in Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Germany

Patent family 2

Microfluidic device with holding interface and method of use

This patent family protects Fluicell's basic technology and the principle behind the Biopen pipette and its use.

  • Patent 9,658,240 granted in the USA

Patent family 3

Methods to fabricate, modify, remove and utilize fluid membranes

This patent family protects the use of biomolecular printing and the development of 2D membranes on surfaces.

  • Patent EP2945745 granted in Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Germany

Patent family 4

Methods and systems that use recirculating fluid flows

This patent family protects Fluicell's bioprinting technology.

  • Patent US-12012578-B2 granted in the USA
  • Patent EP3658199B1 granted in the EU

family 5

Methods and systems for generating three-dimensional biological structures

This patent family covers Fluicell's technology for generating three-dimensional tissues.

  • Patent EP4048331B1 granted in the EU

List of patents allowed to be used by Fluicell AB

Title: “Systems and methods for rapidly changing the solution environment” owned by Cellectricon AB

Right to use the patent through a License Agreement concluded in March 2017 with Cellectricon AB.

  • Patent EP1842063B1
  • Patent JP5422125B2
  • Patent US7563614B2


Fluicell, BioPen, Biopixlar, Biozone, Biorej, lab-on-a-tip and Nexocyte are registered trademarks of Fluicell AB, Sweden.