We are Fluicell

Get to know us

Our people are at the heart of everything we do at Fluicell, allowing us to create innovative solutions that change how we treat diseases. Get to know some of us here.

Close-up of a researcher in lab coat, shown in profile. The researcher is reaching into a scientific instrument that is located outside of the picture. The researcher's face is partly obscured by the opened transparent door of the instrument.

Anton Rydberg

Research Assistant

Portait av en person från axlarna och uppåt. Personen bär en svart skjorta med halv dragkedja och står i ett nordiskt landskap med gles vegetation

Avadhesh Kumar Singh

Lead Scientist

Person swimming wearing wet suit, swimming cap and goggles. Only the head and the right arm are visible above the water surface.

Niek Welkenhuysen

Technical Project Development Lead